Sunday, September 13, 2020

September, 7-11 Week Recap

    The students at Mark Twain have adjusted well to the new school routine, and although this situation of remote learning is not ideal, they are working hard and giving their best! 

    At our school, the students are not only growing through their academics but also through social-emotional learning. This week the therapeutic staff talked about Mindfulness and Senses in their daily groups. Gaining awareness of our five senses and identifying them was the primary focus. This was achieved through videos, games, and activities. In their Wednesday's group, the art therapists asked the students to trace their hands and write their favorite examples for each sense. Ms. Vidal made a sample with her favorites!

    Seeing the people we care about is not always possible for many different reasons. This can be challenging, especially during this period of isolation. We miss our friends, family members, teachers, mentors, and others who are important in our life. We must trust that no matter what the circumstances, we can still be connected. Often times children's books are able to convey important messages to people of all ages. This week, Mrs. D'Amore chose "The invisible String" by Patrice Karst, as one of those books.  The invisible string is a story of connectedness where love is the only thing needed. 

I hope you enjoy the story and take as a reminder that

we are all connected and ... 

..."no one is ever alone"!

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