Monday, April 11, 2016

19th Annual ARTSY Exhibit

The 19th ANNUAL ARTSY Exhibit featuring works created by youth in therapeutic settings is opening on:

Saturday, May 14th
1:00-3:00 pm
Jacoby Arts Center in Alton 

This year we are particularly excited because the ARTSY committee selected for the 2016 poster a painting of a third grader attending Gilson Brown Elementary in Alton.

The painting is titled "Hands Holding The World"

  Please consider attending the Art opening on:

SATURDAY, May 14th
1:00-3:00 pm
Jacoby Arts Center
Downtown Alton.

Our students are looking forward to this great opportunity to showing their work in an art gallery. You will be delighted with art, refreshments, and live performances by youth who use other artistic forms to express themselves.  

The ARTSY Network is overseen by the Missouri Art Therapy Association (MATA). ARTSY is composed of art therapists who provide artistic opportunities for youth in therapeutic settings.  Since 1997 art professionals have met to arrange an annual Therapeutic Youth Art Exhibition.  Children ages 3-19 from agencies in Missouri and Illinois create art to be displayed in the annual show.