Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Black History Month

Alton Middle School

February is the month when schools around the country highlight significant events, accomplishments, and people in the history of African-Americans.
Even the art therapists did not want to miss the opportunity to celebrate Black History month by participating in some of the schools’ initiatives.

Bill Schwartz and I teamed up to decorate a middle school door. The theme was:


Mr. Schwartz found Dr. Martin Luther King’s quote:

“Faith is taking the first step even if you cannot see the whole staircase.”

We then began to conceptualize our ideas by brainstorming and sketching. We took images of pivotal moments and people who took those necessary steps towards equality with courage. The orange ribbon was finally placed as a symbol of equality.

Mark Twain School

Among many other initiatives, staff at Mark Twain School also decided to decorate their doors to highlight significant African-Americans and events to celebrate Black History Month. 

I have decided to honor Dr. Mae Carol Jemison.
Dr. Jemison is the first Africa-American Woman Astronaut. She went into orbit in the Space Shuttle Endeavor on September 12, 1992.
Her contribution did not stop there. As a scientist, chemical engineer, physician, teacher, and astronaut, Dr. Jemison has been a strong advocate for science and technology especially among girls. She is also an art collector and a dancer. Dr. Jemison believes that art and science can and need to be combined. I had the honor of personally meeting her during her visit to Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville (SIUE) in March 2017. In her talk, she explained her mission and future vision to encourage others to make significant contributions for the benefit of all. 
If you interested in knowing more, this is the link of her website: http://jemisonfoundation.org/

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